[20 years in power] Vladimir Putin palm reading – very exciting hand, pursuit of power in nature

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Today, let’s talk about President Putin’s hands. He got very exciting hands that tell me so many things. How is his character?


Basic data before Putin’s palm reading

Vladimir Putin

Born: October 7, 1952

zodiac sign: Libra

President of Russia.

Famous as a former officer of the KGB.



20 years ago, he became president

May 7, 2020 is his 20 years anniversary year since he became president. He has been having power so long. His palm must tell us something about this too. 



Putin’s palm is very exciting

Now let’s see his hands.

As usual, i want to mention that in my reading, I focus on the instinct message I receive from hands and lines, energy, hand balance (which is most important), and each feature. I also check the birthday and it’s relation to palm lines.


okatai note

・Exciting hands

・Rich shaped thick hands

・Large influence from each star, especially venus and jupiter

・Having fate line as center line, many nice lines exist including money related lines


In a word, very exciting hands and lines. I could do 2 hour session with Putin without break. This hands tell me so many things. Energey level is also high. 


First of all, it’s a rich shaped thick hand. Basically, this is a good sign. These people are energetic and have physical strength.


But don’t worry if you don’t have this kind of hands. I always look at balance and there are so many ways to measure strength. In case of Putin, his hands apparently show his physical strength and energy. 


Putin must love power and his patriotic energy makes him pursue the strong Russia. His pursuit of power will continue, according to his palm.

Also, looking at the balance, it seems that the energy level from each star is high. Especially venus and jupiter are well noted. From the shape of the lines I can also say so. Also he has various nice lines including money related lines. It is not advised to become enemy of this type of person.  


From the shape of fate line, I can tell how busy he is. Probably a lot busier than we expect, but his physical strength makes him not so busy. 


Now here is a very important point“Power” is very important for Putin. The fact that he has 20 years of power tells us this already. But what I want to emphasize is that his pursuit of power will continue more. He will not be like: “Well, I’ve worked enough. It’s time to rest.” It is his nature to pursue power. 


This also means he will do whatever he can do, once somebody tries to take his power. His ambition toward strong Russia will continue, in my opinion. 


He has not only power but also love energy. This makes him “patriot”. But in this case, ambition toward strong russia


This 2020 is the key year for Putin. It is tough time because of virus, but if he successfully overcomes this, he will be closer to taking power once again in various senses. He is planning many big actions this key year. 


Putin is rich? But power is even more important than money, according to his palm

Putin has luck with money. Also being a clever type, he is good at making money. He should have sufficient money than we imagine. But in my opinion, for him, power is more important than money


I look forward to see how Putin will be in the future.