Leonardo DiCaprio palm reading – How is his way of thinking about love?


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Today I’m going to talk about Leonardo DiCaprio. He became a super star after his success of Titanic. In this article, I will focus on DiCaprio’s way of thinking about love. 


Basic Data Leonardo DiCaprio

  • Born: November 11, 1974
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Hollywood actor
  • Famous movies: “Titanic”, “Inception”, “Catch Me If You Can”, “The Wolf of Wall Street” and many more
  • Nice development from handsome boy to wild character 



DiCaprio’s palm reading: a realistic man, but what about love?

Now I take a look. 

In my reading, I focus on the instinct message I receive from hands and lines. Energy, hand balance (which is most important), and each feature are equally important. I also check the birthday and it’s relation to palm lines.


Mini notebook

・ Strong hands

Square fingers, hands 

・ Fate line, head line

・ In balance, influences from jupiter, venus and Mercury

・ Beauty pursuit sign, merit sign


He is a realistic person. He solves the problem well. He has luck to be successful. Nice hand. 


He is a very good actor. But today I don’t talk about this. The main topic for today is his way of thinking about love. 


According to DiCaprio’s palm, he has complicated emotions about love. He is attracted to beautiful things in general. He has strong interest in sex, and he attracts others. In relationship he wants to feel secured and he tends to think about advantage and disadvantage of relationship and what he can get from relationship. 

There are various signs such as beauty pursuit signs, merit signs, etc. About love, he has very mixed feelings. 


He tends to be attracted to beautiful people/things like beautiful girls, beautiful places, beautiful scenery, etc. So as far as love goes, appearance tends to come first


He has strong interest in sex. Also he is energetic. So a girl who has similar interest and energy would suit better. And his sexual interest will continue to be strong even after he ages too


The difficulty is that he tends to think about advantage and disadvantage in relationship.


“I simply love this woman, so I want to stay with her forever”… His way of thinking is not really like this


For example, “can I become a better man when I am with her?” he might ask by himself like this. 


In addition, in relationship, he wants to feel secured. Before he commits to long term relationship, he wants to be very sure about this. See, various emotions are mixed up. 


Overall, when it comes to love, the standards he expects from long-term relationship is very high.


In relationship, it would be good for DiCaprio to consider if he can feel relaxed and natural or not. 

He tends to chase beautiful women, but it would be nice for him to consider initially if he can feel relaxed and natural or not with this person.


Consider not appearance but peaceful feeling. In addition, as I mention above, if she is sexually strong, that is a plus. 


I am excited to see how DiCaprio would be in the future.