Anne Hathaway palm reading – Real character of beautiful actress

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Today I would like to talk about Anne Hathaway’s hand. Interesting discovery! 


Who is Anne Hathaway?

  • Born: Nov 12, 1982
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Actress
  • Academy award winner
  • Famous movies “Rachel Getting Married”, “Brokeback Mountain”, “Les Misérables” etc


Anne Hathaway’s personality, according to her palm

Now I take a look.

In my reading, I focus on the instinct message I receive from hands and lines. Energy, hand balance (which is most important), and each feature are equally important. I also check the birthday and it’s relation to palm lines.


Mini notebook

・ Surprisingly more shy than other actors

・ She really hates paparazzi

・ Acting skill is really excellent and she will be recognized again later. So she shall come back when she is refreshed. 


Here are some interesting discoveries I identified.


According to Anne Hathaway’s hand, she is surprisingly more shy than other actors

I identified several “shy” related features and combinations in her hand.


She is a top actress, but it seems like she is quite shy in nature. Especially compared to other actors, it is so.


In the movie and in her interview, you probably don’t see this. She doesn’t look shy at all!


But she is a professional actress and she has been practicing acting and she has been trained. So she can hide this part. 


I think this shy side was more apparent before she became an actress. 


So as an actress, she has been doing really great job. 


According to Anne Hathaway’s palm, she really hates paparazzi 

She really hates paparazzi. This is related to the point above. She does not prefer much when others mind her own business. 


Sometimes she just wants to run away from camera. So it is better leave her alone when not necessary. 



According to Anne Hathaway hand, her acting skill is really excellent. Even if there is time when she takes a little break, she shall come back as an actress after she is refreshed. 

I see some acting skills features and relevant combinations in her hands. It is real talent.


But I also see some acting breaks in her hands. There might some time when she is quiet and not acting much during her middle age.


A good news is that later on when she gets even older, she will be revalued again for sure.  


If she gets little tired and she wants a little break, then she can do it. But after she is refreshed and she is ready, she shall come back as an actress because her time will come again. 


I am excited to see her development and waiting to see Anne Hathaway in the movie more.