3 modalities in astrology basic

How do we group zodiac signs? I covered group by 4 elements in the previous post.


Today let’s talk about another way of grouping the zodiac sign. That is group by “Modality”.


3 Modalities in zodiac signs – cardinal, fixed, mutable

Groping by modality is even simpler than grouping by elements. There are only 3 groups – Cardinal signs, Fixed signs and Mutable signs.


  1. Cardinal Signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
  2. Fixed Signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
  3. Mutable Signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces


First you can find your sign and know which modality you have.


Some similarities in each modality

Each modality has some similarities.


1 Cardinal Signs – leaders, initiators, self-starters

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn are categorized as cardinal sign. Cardinal signs are leaders, initiators and self-starters. They start action.


Now for some signs, initiator does not seem so apparent. But in this case, you can think as “self”-initiator. Then it is more clear.


for example for libras, they think about “themselves” to construct interpersonal relationships. Starting point is “self”. When cancer loves someone, starting point is “self”.



2 Fixed Signs – literally “fixed” (example stubborn, fixed ideas)

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius are categorized as fixed sign.


Just as the name fixed says, Fixed signs are “fixed” people. This can mean they have fixed mind or stubborn people. Fix can have different meanings.


For example, for aquarius, they have fixed thought and belief.


3 Mutable Signs – flexible, adjust

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces are categorized as Mutable Signs. They are flexible and adjust accordingly.


For example, Sagittarius are good at talking with new people, as they can change how they talk, depending on the situation.



Think from the modality point of view

Besides element, you can think of zodiac sign from modality point of view too.


Sometimes when you think about characteristics of each sign, you get confused. But when you go back to the category idea like element and modality, it might make sense.